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28-Day EBV Video Challenge

Daily challenge with one 10-15 minute video emailed to you each day

Spring Green Pasta


Spring has finally arrived, and with it come some spring and summer holidays and nice weather get-togethers, a perfect time for a flavorful and healthy-alternative pasta salad. This delicious pasta salad is a springtime favorite for many reasons. The artichokes and asparagus offer many health benefits and a healthy heaping of green, the color of […]


Best Kept Secret: Isotonix® Line with their New Organic Greens to Your Rescue


I am truly excited to share this blog with you all, in time for new year’s resolutions for a healthier 2019. As Oprah has said: “healthy” is the new “skinny”! This blog is long coming- now that I have a few days off for Xmas and a break from demands of the clinic, I can […]


RECIPE: Homemade Guacamole


I love avocados!! They are such a nutrient booster. They allow for the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients. They also provide over 20 essential nutrients. They contain fiber, Vitamin E and B, and potassium. Did you know that avocado is, in fact, a fruit and that it has more potassium than a banana? It […]


Lentil Cauliflower Curry


Lentil and cauliflower curry is a recipe inspired by the famous Indian cuisine. This is a recipe that unites healthy and tasty ingredients. Cooking with Cauliflower = Yum! “Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education” – Mark Twain Cauliflower belongs to the same cruciferous family as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage. Therefore it […]


If you want to transform your life, if you want health and wellness, if you want peace of mind, there isn’t a better investment than working with Kasia.~ Beth