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Free Q&A Call with Dr. Kines

LIVE January 29 at 2pm PT (5pm ET)


Dr. Kines is an international authority on functional nutrition, in particular clinical applications of evidence-based recovery protocols for chronic and acute Epstein-Barr Virus and gastrointestinal and autoimmune conditions. She is highly committed to ongoing research and to blending the best of science and healing practices to best support each person, which translates into popularity and high success rate with her clients. She also is focused on  the best ongoing trainings available in the country, which started with her graduate nutrition degree at the prestigious Bastyr University.

Dr. Kines  is an Amazon best-selling author on Epstein-Barr Virus and is a sought out speaker on the topic. She is also committed to training the new generation of nutritionists, NDs, MDs  and functional medicine practitioners in EBV management through The EBV Educational Institute she founded.

Dr. Kines enrolled into the first ever functional clinical doctoral program in nutrition as soon as it was offered and before that, she was sought out by Johns Hopkins’ Integrative Medicine and Digestive Center where she worked closely with Dr. Gerard Mullin, a renown functional medicine gastroenterologist.

Fully in practice since 2005, Dr. Kines has helped close to 2000 individual clients recover from EBV, Hashimoto’s, SIBO, IBS, auto-immune and gastro-intestinal disorders.



  • Doctor of Clinical  Nutrition
  • CNS Certified Nutrition Specialist, board-certified by Nutrition Specialists Certification Board since 2006
  • CN Certified Nutritionist, certified by Washington State Health Department since 2005
  • Certified Holistic Coach, certified by the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy

Clinical Timeline:

Major Medical Conferences/Trainings:

Professional Presentations:

EBV Poster: IFM Annual International Conference – “Solving the Puzzle of Autoimmunity: The Interplay of Gut, Genes, and Environment” (May 2018)

EBV Poster: American College of Nutrition“Personalized Nutrition. Translate the Science of Nutrigenomics into Practice” (Nov 2018)

Publications: see this page for details

Professional Memberships and Roles:

Dr. Kines continues to provide video, summit, podcast, and conference interviews on all things EBV.

Disclaimer: Dr. Kines is not a medical doctor, she does not claim to diagnose nor treat diseases.  She supports the whole person with nutrition and lifestyle interventions.

Dr. Kasia Kines, Doctor of Clinical Nutrition, CEO and Founder of Global EBV Institute
Virtual clinic serving the US and globally
[email protected]

If you want to transform your life, if you want health and wellness, if you want peace of mind, there isn’t a better investment than working with Kasia.~ Beth