Dr. Kasia Kines
Doctor of Clinical Nutrition
"My mission is to not only help you resolve your medical mysteries, pain, autoimmunity, or gut infections but also to help you create a life beyond your hopes and dreams."
What other EBV Heroes say...
“Hi Dr. Kines... so during my walk this morning I thought how blessed I am to be able to feel good and exercise! You have no idea how much these simple things mean to me. I am doing very well. I've lost almost 30 pounds and I have been feeling fantastic! A few months ago, I started to have a sore throat & swollen lymph nodes but I knew just what to do and in no time at all, the flare was over! ALL OF THIS IS BECAUSE OF YOU!! I just wanted to send a note to let you know how very grateful I am. I can never express how much you have changed my life! God Bless You! I hope you and your husband are doing well. You are forever in my prayers."
"I truly believe the EBV Program saved my hearing and gave back my life! Prior to the course, my right ear had severe hearing loss with a true threat of going deaf caused by EBV. I believe Dr. Kasia’s Program helped me get healthier and stronger; thus, my hearing has improved dramatically. My neck is so smooth now. There are no swollen glands and no neck pain anymore.
I now have more energy to do the things I like such as gardening or yoga. I now have a love of cooking too, which I used to dread. Furthermore, this awesome course has given me the skills to prevent EBV from reactivating and if it does, I know exactly what to do!
Dr. Kasia is a compassionate practitioner who goes over and beyond to help her students. For example, she had each video transcribed so the class could have a printed copy, and I found this to be extremely helpful due to my hearing difficulties. This course is a lifesaver and worth every penny!!
Thank you, Kasia!!"
"Dr. Kasia has literally changed my life.
I quit going to medical doctors at a young age because none of them could ever figure out what was wrong with me. My parents wanted to pursue natural and holistic alternatives to solve my health puzzle. Some things that we tried worked temporarily, but nothing lasted. Even in the natural world, it seemed no one understood EBV.
I’m now 28 and have been in an off-and-on battle with EBV for over half of my life. When I found Dr. Kasia, I was in a place of absolute fear that I was going to be sick and debilitated for the rest of my life. I now know that that is not true AT ALL, because EBV is the root of my chronic symptoms and Dr. Kasia has given me the tools to win the battle against EBV every single time.
I feel empowered and hopeful for the first time in my life."
"I highly recommend this program! It has kick started my healing into high gear. The information is priceless and will last a lifetime. If you are on the fence... do it! Best decision I made in the past 3 years I have been sick."
"I wanted to say that the EBV Recovery program was the best spent $1.5K in the past 5 years. The amount of information, support and understanding is nowhere near tons of investment, numerous doctors, healers, practitioners that claimed to help but instead leave more confusion and suffering. And I am finally getting better first time in years! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!" "
Can you get your life back with Dr. Kines?
Video Length: 2:30 mins
Would a laugh make your day better?
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Latest Posts from Dr. Kasia Kines
If you want to transform your life, if you want health and wellness, if you want peace of mind, there isn’t a better investment than working with Kasia.~ Beth