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Ayurveda Take Auyrvedic Constitution Quiz | Get an Ayurvedic Consultation

Ayurveda Nutrional AnalysisAyurveda is a form of natural medicine practiced in India for thousands of years, with a recently renewed popularity in the US. Sometimes it takes a celebrity to popularize a health trend, and sure enough, that is exactly what happened with one of the popular Ayurvedic health remedy called “Oil Pulling”. As my mother states, even in Poland, where she still lives, everyone in media is now talking about oil-pulling, educating the public on its the benefits and the how-to. As a matter of fact, the topic was so hot at one point that I was interview by Washington Post and the ABC2 TV station, which you can read and watch, respectively, below. I still thought a good primer on Oil Pulling was needed, so I also wrote “Oil Pulling Explained’ for you, if you have interest in more research on it.

Interview I gave about oil pulling for Washington Post “Everyone is talking about ‘oil pulling.’ But does this health practice actually work?”

Interview I did for the local TV station ABC2 on The Growing Popularity of Oil Pulling


“Oil Pulling Explained”

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda can be explained as an interdisciplinary concept of natural medicine, which originated in India a few thousands of years ago. However, don’t let the challenging spelling and imposing history intimidate you. No, you do not have to live in India. Ayurveda is very practical and it can help you in the simplest and yet most profound ways right now and here, in the 21st century. Literally, an adjustment in one small daily act can bring a change in how you feel. It is all about learning more about who you are and working with it rather than against it.

What does it Have to Do with Nutrition?

The nutritional component is very important in maintaining balance and health, according to Ayurveda. Ayurvedic assessment helps you understand your predominant constitutions and the most likely imbalances you are prone to. It also teaches you how to prevent those imbalances in your daily choices. On a more personal note, it will also help you understand your personality, likes and dislikes, and your good or and not so good habits. It often takes clients by surprise to learn that certain behavior that they themselves consider odd or disappointing, is actually part of the constitution they were born with, e.g. some of us dislike water, especially if chilled, while others can’t get enough of icy water.

Combining Best of Both Worlds

Western nutrition is important and science-based, but it has its limitations. Kasia finds that adding simple principles of Ayurvedic nutrition to western nutrition therapy can enhance her clients’ health improvements, while a simple act, such as adding an appropriate spice, can also add joy to the palate.

Ayurveda is Beneficial because it:

  • Respects the uniqueness of the individual
  • Considers all levels of the individual
  • Offers natural ways of helping with diseases and promoting health
  • Emphasizes prevention
  • Empowers everyone to take responsibility for their own well-being
  • Is cost-effective

Why is Ayurvedic Nutritional Analysis is Beneficial?

  • It tells you how the predominant constitution you have been born with can affect your food and lifestyle preferences as well as current and future health
  • It provides types of foods that may make you feel better or that can worsen your imbalances
  • It educates you on the blueprint of who you are on a physical, emotional and spiritual level, are teaches you how to respect your individuality with the most optimal food and lifestyle choices; you will also learn what to expect when these choices are not honored and you become more imbalanced. Would you become more inflamed? Would you become more constipated? Or would you become more overweight?
  • It may answer questions you may have about yourself, e.g. Why am I such a couch potato?
  • It will give you a peace of mind, a better understanding of your own nature, behaviors, preferences, and bad habits. It will also provide you with tools, including foods and lifestyle choices, that will allow you to thrive.

*I am not a medical doctor, I do not claim to diagnose nor treat diseases.  I support the whole person with nutrition and lifestyle interventions.

I received training in Ayurvedic Nutrition as well as Principles of Ayurvedic Cooking during my graduate nutrition program at Bastyr University. I was lucky to train with an experienced Ayurvedic physician from India, Dr Shandbhag, MD, ND, who was a Medical as well as a Naturopathic Doctor, and his lovely wife, also a nutritionist trained at Bastyr University, and like him, also from India. 

If you want to transform your life, if you want health and wellness, if you want peace of mind, there isn’t a better investment than working with Kasia.~ Beth