Could You Have Chronic Active EBV infection? Take our quick quiz to see if you might be at risk...

Take the Quiz!

90-Minute Transformational Workshop

LIVE September 19 from 9-10:30am PT

Are My Services Right for You?

Am I a Good Fit for You?

NOTE: After almost 20 years in clinical practice focusing on 1-1 clinical programs, I closed my 1-1 clinic in October 2020. Thus, I no longer accept new clients for 1-1 clinical 4 and 6 months programs. This was an organic and logical decision as I feel, after years of working with a community with “mystery illnesses”, with “complex cases”, and with complex gut issues, when I discovered the devastation of Epstein-Barr Virus, I could not help but not look back and devote all my energy and attention moving forward to the urgently needed resources, education, and recovery process to help thousands and thousands of people with the underlying EBV (which is often a matching community of “mystery illnesses”, with “complex cases” exactly).

At this time, you can access my services as

  • EBV Recovery Program (a safe-paced online program, with access to me and our community). Read more here
  • Illuminate Healing VIP Experience (VIP type intimate 6-month coaching in a small group of 4); requires application. Read more here
  • Not sure what you need? I am over the moon excited you found me and I invite you to take the deep dive and join our true recovery system — proven, evidence based, and sustainable. We call it the EBV Recovery Program for a good reason. If you want to know if this Program is the perfect fit for you, schedule a Clarity Session directly with me. I can’t wait to meet you!

Schedule Clarity Session with Dr. Kines Now

Whichever service or program you choose, what is most important for me is to work with you as a whole person (not your dis-ease), to hear your story, your voice and your intuition about your circumstance, and to pursue the WHY – what is the root cause of where you are. The body is very intelligent, and there is always a reason for it to present with symptoms. We do not go after symptoms. We use them as a guide into recovery and reclaiming your functionality and life. Often this process also includes deeper personal, emotional and spiritual needs. These are instrumental for a human being to heal.

Remember that the fundamental truth is that your body has not deceived or betrayed you. All along, it has been trying to figure out how to keep you alive and safe despite factors that are the root cause.

Is a Functional Nutritionist a Good Fit for You? Consider My Services if You:

  • You have had a viral infection like EBV before and now struggle with multiple health issues, especially one or more autoimmune disorders or chronic fatigue.
  • You are confused why your thyroid is still not working even though you may be on medication and labs look “normal”.
  • You are struggling with unresolved gastrointestinal problems like IBS, SIBO, leaky gut affecting your life that your doctors are not able to resolve.
  • You are struggling to get real help as you’re progressively getting worse.
  • You are tired of only getting partial resolution of your problems.
  • You have tried many different things on your own, but nothing seems to be helping long term even though you know a lot.
  • You are not finding the needed help and support locally where you live.

Sample cases:

Case 1:

Laura had a LOT of health challenges making every single day a mountain to climb:  she was recovering from a stroke, had migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic constipation, extreme fatigue, among many medical complaints; as a result, she had to let go of her job.

After complete assessment – I suggested testing: we discovered food sensitivities removed the culprits, and stopped the migraines. We found nutrient deficiencies and addressed them with diet/nutrients. SIBO test was (+) with methane and medical nutrition therapy was provided, with preventive measures added in process. She also tested (+) for chronic activated Epstein-Barr Virus – I provided nutritional therapy that stalled the viral load. She tested (+) for Hashimoto’s- I provided nutritional support. We did nutritional brain neurotransmitters work. She also tested for leaky gut and leaky brain and we did repair with nutritional therapy.

Personalized nutritional and lifestyle protocol, one step at a time, resolved or highly decreased many of the client’s issues: thyroid antibodies normalized,  bowel movements and energy stabilized, and  fibromyalgia pain decreased substantially. Laura was able to feel saliva in her mouth again first time in years! Remaining chronic issues are now manageable- e.g. if there is constipation, Laura has the toolkit to address it. After finishing a 6-Month Program with me, she continued to rebuild her life under the care of her fabulous local functional doctor, and eventually she returned to her previous job part time, only to then become a health coach and then join our EBV Global Institute team as our EBV-Certified Health Coach! Here is her story in her own words:

“Kasia is a lifesaver. After having a stroke in 2008 and not having any doctor or neurologist be able to tell me why I had it I started to listening to any book I could to try to figure things out. These books all suggested the same supplements and lab tests yet any doctor I went to looked at me like I was crazy for requesting these things. After a year of going to my PCM with all of my complaints and getting no relief I went into acute gastritis and the gastroenterologist told me I would be on proton-pump inhibitors for the rest of my life.

Knowing that wasn’t the issue I contacted Kasia and within one month I was eating food again, not just drinking bone broth. I was so excited because she works with all of the labs that I had read about and after getting the recommended testing we were able to figure out a lot and we put my life back together. Sure the stroke had a bit to do with my health not being 100% but there is so much more to the body. She was able to help me navigate what I knew I needed to do and how to do it. No one can tell that I had a stroke and that I left the hospital in a wheelchair. I am back at work part-time and am looking into becoming a healing coach. My relationship with her will never end as I think about her at least once a week and think, wow…I should tell Kasia about this. ” Laura G

Case 2:

Holli was a young mom with refractory celiac, in constant pain despite being 100% gluten free, continually losing weight, and very anxious. Per studies, suspected chronic activated Epstein-Barr Virus or SIBO- requested testing both- both were (+). Hashimoto’s – antibodies (+). Gallbladder had been removed: with a necessary nutritional support, Holli experienced her first pain free days. We addressed adrenal stress and stress management, which helped with self-care.

A personalized medical nutritional therapy was put in place for EBV/Hahimoto’s/SIBO….Tested (+) for cross-reactivity to gluten- we removed foods accordingly= less gut symptoms. Referred to visceral manipulation for scar tissues and adhesions from surgeries and to improve ileo-cecal valve (both were contributing factors to her SIBO)…

Holli finally stopped losing weight.  Toxicity/Inflammation Quiz score at Clarity Session was high at 87; retake after 60 days dropped to 23. Anxiety dramatically decreased. She  laughed more easily, felt  more empowered and felt better educated. Holli became a great detective. She was soon able to pinpoint that mold from hidden water damage  was causing autoimmune reactions; while it was devastating to know that her family would have to part with most of their belongings due to mold spores, she learned that letting go of the house and moving out gave her a chance to heal.  Here is how she describes her experience so far:

“Working with Kasia has been a true blessing to me. I’ve learned a lot about nutrition and how the gut works. She listens, is thorough, and really works hard to find the root of the problem. I would highly recomend her to any family or friend struggling with GI health. My only complaint is I wish I would have found her years ago! Holli”

Why Consider Working with me?

  • I really care and I work out of the box, going as far as I can to help clients figure out why they have not gotten better despite their best efforts. I have worked with many complicated cases, and I have been able to help many people resolve their “mysteries” of sometimes many years.
  • I take my work seriously and thus I have gone through the best available trainings in the US: Bastyr University for graduate training and Doctor of Clinical Nutrition program at Maryland University of Integrative Health, first ever cohort of functional clinical nutrition. I have been a member of Institute for Functional Medicine for several years and train there when I can.
  • I helped many patients of Dr Gerard Mullin’s, one of the best functional gastroenterologists in the country while at Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine and Digestive Center. I had the honor to be called one of the best nutritionists he had worked with.
  • I have seasoned experience in multiple conditions, but I specialize in and work most with gastrointestinal cases, including SIBO, as well as thyroid and adrenal dysfunction. I also work extensively with viral infections, especially chronic activated Epstein-Barr Virus.
  • Doctors refer their patients to my care and other clinicians consult with me.
  • I love what I do and I care deeply about each client I work with. Relationship with each client is very important, so I only take on a limited number of clients at a time.

You Are Likely to be Successful Working with Me if:

  • You’re willing to make your healing top priority in your life.
  • You’re willing to try things outside of your comfort zone (Yes, I know, food is personal and we are creatures of habits).
  • You’re willing to invest time, energy and resources to get better.
  • You are ready to commit and change your life NOW!
  • If you said yes to all of the above, then I am your nutritionist! And here is your Next Step.

Would You Like to Have a Preliminary Conversation Together?

I am over the moon excited you found me and I invite you to take the deep dive and join our true recovery system — proven, evidence based, and sustainable. We call it the EBV Recovery Program for a good reason. If you want to know if this Program is the perfect fit for you, schedule a Clarity Session directly with me. I can’t wait to meet you!

Schedule Clarity Session with Dr. Kines Now


Why you should invest into a nutritionist:

  • Food is Medicine; finding the best foods for your needs can have a profound effect on your health
  • Up to 80% of chronic medical conditions may be linked to nutrient deficiencies- finding out what nutrients you are lacking is paramount; e.g., we are notoriously lacking minerals, which are needed for hundreds of enzymatic reactions that will NOT proceed otherwise, and that alone can cause a host of health challenges
  • Up to 80% of the immune system is in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Up to 80% of serotonin, the neurotransmitter of happiness, is made in the GI tract; B vitamins, the brain-food and anti-depressant vitamins, rely on a healthy gut to be absorbed; therefore, the gut health restoration is paramount for your brain to work
  • What works: a unique combination of nutrition, nutritional biochemistry, nutrigenomics, epigenetics, and quantity and quality of time spent on each client’s case “studying” it

Schedule Clarity Session with Dr. Kines Now

Not ready for the Clarity Session?

Dr. Kasia Kines, Doctor of Clinical Nutritionist, CEO and founder of EBV Educational Institute
Virtual clinic serving the US and globally
[email protected]

*Disclaimer: Dr. Kines is not a medical doctor and does not claim to diagnose nor treat diseases.  She supports the whole person with nutrition and lifestyle interventions.

If you want to transform your life, if you want health and wellness, if you want peace of mind, there isn’t a better investment than working with Kasia.~ Beth