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LIVE March 10 - 14 at 10am PT (1pm ET)

Aloe Vera Juice: A Functional Medicine Secret Weapon


National Institute of Health, supports internal use of aloe vera juice for viruses, autoimmune diseases and HIV Especially during a time of impending health crisis, it is good to have a tool kit, a go-to, some simple tools at home you can tap into that support your body on multiple levels: immune, gut, anti-microbial…. Aloe […]


Satisfying Healthy Soda: Drop Neurotoxins – Add Medicine!


Memory lane: I grew up in Poland with “syfon”, a reloadable carbonator for water. We had just one fat glass bottle that in summer I would take to a little store around the block for a carbonation reload as needed, so we always had sparkling water available at home in summer. Life was good- and […]


Olive Oil is not (Just) Olive Oil


What has happened in this industry reminds me of the salmon health kick. Now, farmed salmon is so aggressively marketed, but in the process, food industry created a food item that has the highest concentration of PCVs to the extent that its consumption increases risk of cancer, based on research done by EWG. We consume […]


Summer Grilling and Your Health


Dr. Kasia Kines, Nutritionist, CEO and founder of EBV Educational Institute Virtual clinic serving the US and globally [email protected] Did you know that 80% of Americans own a grill? Now with a new deck, we have joined the grilling club. Being mostly plant-eaters, we never grill meat, and we definitely do not grill to the […]


Debunking the Paleo Diet Myth


Dr. Kasia Kines, Nutritionist, CEO and founder of EBV Educational Institute Virtual clinic serving the US and globally [email protected] I absolutely support improvements in the way one eats. I am just naturally skeptical of new food fads and “diets” and cannot tolerate brain washing of any type (comes from being Polish). One of the “in” […]


Breast Cancer, Iodine and Thyroid ~ A Study


Dr. Kasia Kines, Nutritionist, CEO and founder of EBV Educational Institute Virtual clinic serving the US and globally [email protected] Researchers now believe that there is a link between thyroid and breast cancer and that the common link may be contributed to by iodine deficiency. It has been found that breast cancer patients have unusually high […]


Vitamin D and Prostate Cancer Risk- New Study


Dr. Kasia Kines, Nutritionist, CEO and founder of EBV Educational Institute Virtual clinic serving the US and globally [email protected] Vitamin D Level Can Predict Aggressive Prostate Cancer, according to a new study just published in February 2016 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. I know EVERY aging man has concerns about their prostate even though […]


If you want to transform your life, if you want health and wellness, if you want peace of mind, there isn’t a better investment than working with Kasia.~ Beth