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Parsnip Soup

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Soups can be very nourishing a satisfying, especially when it gets colder outside. From Ayurvedic perspective, anything warm is better than cold and roots are perfectly balancing for fall and winter and are a perfect part of a Thanksgiving table. If you want to try a really healthy and tasty soup, our advice is to try the parsnip soup. To share a secret with you, growing up in Poland, we used parsley root for every soup stock- and it looks almost identical like parsnip. Every Pole is completely fooled the first time they grocery shop when they pick up this parsnip root only to be surprised that it does not taste like parsley! For some reason, parsley root is hard to come by in the US still.

What is a Parsnip? Learn the benefits…

Parsnip looks similar to white carrot, but it tastes differently. This fall vegetable is part of the big Parsley family. Parsnips can be prepared in many different ways and the latest hit among individuals who want to be healthy and fit is parsnip soup. It turns out that parsnips are an excellent source of a wide range of nutrients. For instance, they contain a large amount of vitamin E and Vitamin C as well as a range of vitamins that belong to the group of B vitamins like thiamine, niacin, folic acid, and riboflavin. In addition, they also contain manganese, copper, magnesium, and potassium – very important minerals for the human body. Parsnips contain a significant amount of dietary fiber too.

The presence of all these nutrients makes parsnips great for people dealing with hypertension, heart issues, and constipation. Since they are low in calories they can be used as part of a weight loss plan. It’s also good to highlight the fact that they support the immune system which is why the parsnip soup is highly recommended during the colder months.

The Miracles of Miso

The parsnip soup recipe contains a few other ingredients including organic miso. For those who don’t know, miso is a Japanese phrase used for fermented beans (soybeans).

Miso is an excellent source of various nutrients including Vitamin E, B, K and folic acid. It also contains probiotics. The most famous health benefit of miso is its ability to enhance digestion. This special ingredient supports the gut flora. There are some initial scientific studies that have shown positive effects of miso in preventing different kinds of cancer.

The nutrients found in miso suggest that miso can boost the immune system. This claim is based on the high probiotic content in miso. There are a few other potential health benefits of miso that are still being researched like protection of heart health, stabilization of blood pressure and reduction of cholesterol levels.

Why we used Almond Milk instead Dairy Milk?

The dairy milk is still the most used type of milk in the world. However, this doesn’t mean that this is the healthiest variety out there. We have decided to use almond milk instead of dairy milk in this recipe for more than one reason.

First of all, almond milk has a lower number of calories and doesn’t contain any cholesterol or saturated fat. Next, almond milk has more vitamin D and vitamin A than dairy milk. Finally, this milk is free of lactose which is a huge problem for many consumers.

The parsnip soup will provide a myriad of benefits and a unique gourmand experience to any individual.  Looking for more recipes with functional nutrition benefits? Follow me on Pinterest!

Eat Well. Look Great. Feel Spectacular. Naturally!


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