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House Testing for Toxic Molds

Toxic mold is brutal.Test your home for toxic molds. Jason Kester is the owner of I have met him through a local functional medicine community and I know he has an excellent reputation with many doctors referring him to their ill patients. Even though he is local to Seattle, he tells me he travels all over, even to the east coast or Hawaii. He is truly an expert if you have had water damage and are not well- you need to know what toxic molds you have because they can affect your immune system, disrupt your DNA, and even cause cancer. He apparently went through this hell himself- and you have experienced toxic mold, you know how life altering and excruciating that is, including having to move and leave most of your belongings, books, furniture behind.

Why is it relevant: We look more and more for that in our patients who fail to respond to our diet, supplement and life style therapies. Toxic mold is a hidden giant, just like chronic EBV, and makes any chronic illness or infection, like EBV, harder. I look forward to interviewing him for you in future, so we can all learn! Please read his website and learn. Toxic mold is brutal.



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