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Savory Vegan Stuffed Mushrooms

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Another year has come and gone again. You may or may not know that I grew up in Poland. The tradition of New Year’s Eve festivities in Poland dates back to the 19th century. As one folk custom has it, one must bid farewell to old problems before the start of the new year. On New Year’s Eve you should write down everything that worries you on a red paper and let it burn. Old problems will be consumed in the New Year’s flame once and for all.  A definite no-go on New Year’s Eve is doing cleaning: it is believed that this might “sweep out” happiness from your home. So relax and put the dust mop away!

On the nutrition front, if you have parties happening this weekend then you’ll no doubt be surrounded by tables of foods that will leave you feeling less than wonderful on New Year’s Day (especially when you combine that with sugary cocktails). So we wanted to help you with a healthy and delicious stuffed mushroom appetizer you can bring with to snack on throughout the festivities. And remember that we will have our January 30DayDetox online Program coming soon!

Eat your antioxidants

Whatever your favorite mushroom is – crimini, enoki, oyster, portobello, shiitake or white button – all mushrooms are rich in essential nutrients. Many varieties of mushrooms contain good-for-your-liver-and-thyroid selenium and, like us, they produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Many mushrooms are also good sources of copper, niacin, potassium and phosphorous. Additionally, mushrooms provide protein, vitamin C, and iron. Because their cell walls are indigestible unless exposed to heat, you must cook mushrooms to get their nutritional benefits.

When it comes to antioxidants – the substances that help fight free radicals that are the result of oxidation in our body – we’re more likely to think of colourful vegetables than neutral-hued mushrooms. But the total antioxidants of crimini and portobello mushrooms are about the same as for those of red peppers.

Increase your vitamin D

Yes, vitamin D! Mushrooms are the only fruit or vegetable source of this critical vitamin. Like humans, mushrooms produce vitamin D when in sunlight. Exposing them to high levels of ultraviolet B just before going to market converts more of the plant sterol ergosterol into the so-called sunshine vitamin. In the U.S., portobellos fortified with vitamin D are already being sold, with a three-ounce (85-gram) serving providing about 400 IU of vitamin D. If your life in a northern state you’re probably not getting enough Vitamin D daily. So eat your mushrooms or add a Vitamin D supplement.

Kick up your metabolism

B vitamins are vital for turning food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which the body burns to produce energy. They also help the body metabolize fats and protein. Mushrooms contain loads of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B3 (niacin)!

Enjoy these savory vegan stuffed mushrooms at your New Year’s celebration! Looking for more recipes with functional nutrition benefits? Follow me on Pinterest!

Eat Well. Look Great. Feel Spectacular. Naturally!


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