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Spicy Banana Coconut Yogurt

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Traditional dairy yogurt may have many health benefits, but I do NOT support commercial yogurt and never recommend it. Moreover, most of my patients cannot tolerate any dairy and this would be the last thing for me to recommend. As you see in this recipe, we have switched to a non-dairy coconut yogurt.

The spicy banana coconut yogurt recipe contains chili powder too. This might look strange to some people, but once you learn more about the health benefits of chili powder you will know why this ingredient is included.

Spicing up the flavor of coconut yogurt…

Chili powder contains large amounts of capsaicin, a compound that speeds up the metabolism. This means that chili powder makes your body burn fat much faster. At the same time, this special form of powder is here to reduce blood sugar levels too. People who eat chili powder need significantly less insulin to control blood sugar levels. It is also worth mentioning that chili powder can ease congestion which is great for those suffering from blocked nasal passages. Chili powder is used to combat bad breath too. Several studies have confirmed that chili powder can also improve the health of our heart and the work of the digestive system and there are some indications that this powder can fight cancer too.

Making chili powder at home is not a difficult task. You should first dry the peppers or you can buy them dried from the local store. After that, you need to cook them in a dry pan until they get toasted. Finally, blend them in the blender once they cooled down. Use the chili powder in the banana yogurt or in other foods. Looking for more info on grinding your own spices? Check out my Spices 101 – Tips & Tricks video for some pointers.

Looking for more recipes with functional nutrition benefits? Follow me on Pinterest!

Eat Well. Look Great. Feel Spectacular. Naturally!


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