Could You Have Chronic Active EBV infection? Take our quick quiz to see if you might be at risk...

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28-Day EBV Video Challenge

Daily challenge with one 10-15 minute video emailed to you each day

If You Have EBV

How does the 30 Day Program fit into EBV?

What happened over the years is that I realized that this program was a perfect anti-EBV program: toxicity increases the risk of EBV reactivation, so do inflammation (e.g. NFkB), oxidative stress, EMF, poor glucose regulation (e.g. hypoglycemia), poor nutritional status, stress, and more. We address GMOs, microwaving, and water filtration pitfalls. We share delicious healing recipes, we walk you through a pantry rehab, and we created videos that walk you through cooking and shopping!!! In fact, The Recovery part of my new book on EBV is rooted in this program. You can take as little or as much as you need. It will still change your life for better. I so hope you will take a leap and join it!

If you want to transform your life, if you want health and wellness, if you want peace of mind, there isn’t a better investment than working with Kasia.~ Beth