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Food Sensitivities and Allergies

Food Sensitivities and Food Allergies

What are Food Sensitivities?

Many individuals may live with undetected delayed food sensitivities. According to Michael Rosenbaum, MD, these reactions account for 90% of all food reactions, while only the remaining 10% falls into the category of true allergic reactions mentioned above. The delayed reactions are mostly undetected because they may occur in a few hours or even after 2 -3 days from exposure to a trigger food. Without working with a trained professional, it is sometimes next to impossible to make sense of the symptoms and connect them to the particular foods. Testing exists for this type of reactivity.

What are Food Allergies?

We all recognize an allergy when we experience an immediate reaction to a food we ate. Our face swells, the throat closes, or we instantly get a skin rash. This is the traditionally understood food allergy, and it can be life threatening. This kind of reaction is easily recognized by  individuals and their physicians.

Do you Have a Food Sensitivity?

Some of the symptoms may include brain fog, arthritic pains, frequent constipation, bloating and gas, recurrent ear infections, dry cough, recurring headaches, or post-nasal drip.

How do you Develop a Food Sensitivity?

The mechanism is not well understood. Sometimes a trauma, a serious illness, infection, or chronic stress can be factors. Other times, repeated daily exposure to a particular food may develop into sensitivity. The process and symptoms vary from one person to another. Therefore, nutrition therapy for food sensitivities is also highly individualized.

Why Should you Address your Food Sensitivity or Intolerance?

5. IgG delayed food sensitivity blood test if there is a possibility of multiple food sensitivities
6. Adding IgA to the the IgG test is recommended. IgA is a mucosal reaction to a food. Some clients’ IgG is clear but they find multiple IgA reactions. In that case, eliminating IgG foods will only provide a partial resolution of symptoms (US Biotek). A different type of blood test for cellular reactivity to foods, ALCAT, is also available.
7. Strategies to decrease symptoms, regulate bowel movements, and promote healthy gut bacteria
8. Restoring the gut integrity and immune system
9. Introduction to new foods and ways to prepare them to promote healing
10. Educating on proper re-introduction of the trigger foods on a rotation basis
11. Repeating IgG/IgA test in 6 months
12. Stool test for gut integrity and permeability if needed (Metametrix)



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