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Detox Manual

fresh sprouts

Dr. Kasia Kines, Nutritionist, CEO and founder of EBV Educational Institute

Virtual clinic serving the US and globally

[email protected]

Sneak Peek into the Detox Manual

The Manual was written by Kasia Kines for participants of The 30-Day Whole Foods Detox Program. It is a great resource full of practical solutions and all our clients benefit from parts of it while Detox participants get their own complete printed copy, now with over 340 pages and split into two manuals. The Manual is meant not only for the duration of the  Detox Program but also longer term as it has information that will help anyone with their goal of a more optimal health and we constantly update it. In short, it is a go-to for individuals who are seeking long term optimal health whether they plan to detoxify or not and who would like to experience anti-inflammatory, whole-foods and nutrient-dense nourishing plant based food protocol. According to some of our clients, it would be a best seller if available in print! What makes this Manual special is that it does not skim the surface of an issue. It covers issues in depth and detail based on the more recent available science.

For former graduates of the Detox Program, the newest updates of the Manual are available free upon request as it is updated. That is my commitment.

The Manual is currently available for the Detox Program participants and is not on sale online. However, our latest electronic version is available at a fee for those that would like to purchase it. It would be provided electronically. Please contact us directly.

The Manual addresses all currently “hot”  and relevant issues such as inflammation, oxidation and free radical damage as well as the latest science on some of the most controvercial issues  such as bone health, GMOs, food sensitivities and allergies, proper elimination and proper reintroduction (challenge) of the foods, How-to Kitchen, Delectable Recipes, Vitamin D, soy, microbiota, stomach acid, or microwaving of foods.  The chapters contain relevant science, strategies, solutions, and any needed relevant supportive information.

The Manual also contains self-monitoring tracking system and weight loss chapter, explaining challenges and misconceptions of weight loss as well as a tracking system of how to appropriately  measure and monitor progress while improving health or while trying to lose fat. Education is provided on nutrient needs, nutrient sources, optimal health and lifestyle modifications, meal setting, meal balancing and glucose regulation, adding simple Ayurvedic principles to the process, and more. Resources are heavy on detoxification resources in foods/water/household/outside home, etc.

We also discuss the relevance of gut integrity, functions, the gut immune system GALT, definitions and functions of digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, probiotics and prebiotics in optimal wellness.

Finally, there is education on impact of stress on  various physiological processes; types of stress and types of effects, solutions, behavioral modifications and nutrients needed.

And more…

Dr. Kasia Kines, Nutritionist, CEO and founder of EBV Educational Institute

Virtual clinic serving the US and globally

[email protected]

If you want to transform your life, if you want health and wellness, if you want peace of mind, there isn’t a better investment than working with Kasia.~ Beth